
The next tax sale is scheduled for June 1 - 7, 2024.

  • The auction website will post the list of properties and begin accepting deposits approximately 30 days before bidding opens. We will send email notifications to all registered users as soon as it is posted.
  • Registration is open year round, and is free.


Welcome to SBcounty.MyTaxSale! You must be a registered user to participate in our auctions.

You can skip this step and log in with an existing user ID and password if you have already registered in any of our LienHub or DeedAuction sites.

You can find lists of the sites we operate for each of our products here.

Before you can bid in a sale you will have to make a deposit. We will walk you through that process after you register or log in with your existing ID.

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You'll use this User ID to log in to the site.
It may contain letters, numbers, dots and dashes.
(e.g. john.smith, jsmith, js-1102.)
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